Silas Allen Bancroft was born on New Year's Eve at 12:06 in the morning. He was all of 7 pounds and 18.5 inches. He was a tiny little thing but the love he commanded filled a whole room and then some.
If you had asked me then if I thought I could love any more, I would have said, with much confidence," No. Impossible." I had no idea such a little person could fill my heart with so much love that it would have to keep stretching indefinitely just to hold it all in. (It still leaks a bit too. )
This past year with my little Bumblebee went by so quickly. I can't believe that little 7 pound bundle of joy is 17ish pounds of squirming toddler already. I'm not gonna lie...I am slightly ok with his hesitance to crawl. If he were crawling all over the place, I would have to come to terms with this new toddler definition entirely. I'm enjoying hanging onto the last lingering moments of infancy.
Our year has had many ups and downs and bumps and glorious triumphs. From conquering learning how to breast feed to helmet therapy to dairy allergies and discovering new skills. But with each challenge I am in awe all over again at the miracle of life unfolding in front of me.
I am incredibly blessed. I have incredible bliss. God is good. I have a son. And he's one!
Happy Birthday, my little Bumblebee. You are so loved.