Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 17

Whew! When I started this journey I did not anticipate how busy I would get with work, school, ministry...good grief.  I'm slowly but surely catching up though...today will be another whirlwind of blogging for as long as I can get it in.  So hang tight.

Day 17 is about something that has made a huge impact on my life recently.  I don't have a picture...mainly because I'm not creative enough to come up with a way to photograph it.  Maybe I should have asked my friend Lynn (photographer extraordinaire...don't believe me?  You should go see my engagement/wedding pics.  Tell me she isn't a genius. I dare you. ;).  Anyway, the thing of which I speak is this: counseling.  Yep.  It's had a HUGE impact on my life. 

Counseling has given me a sense of self back.  Well, the tools I've gained through counseling have anyway.  I feel like I suddenly have a whole repertoire of resources to draw on to handle any situation.  I've started processing my thoughts in a healthy way and acting on them in a healthy way.  I've learned how to allow myself emotions without allowing my emotions to rule me.  I'm learning so much about communication and boundaries.  It has been such a great process for me.

Most importantly, I'm healthy.  Mentally and spiritually.  (I've gotta start working on that physically part again soon.)  I've regained a sense of connection to my community and my Savior.  My relationship with Jesus is steadily getting back to a great place.  I've never felt more attuned to the Spirit than I do right now either. 
And I'm learning to trust Father on a whole new level.

I am so thankful for counseling and my therapist, Lisa.  I'm thankful to my husband and Nikki for supporting me in the decision to seek counseling.  I'm thankful to my Princess Linda for always being so willing to counsel me "on the side" so to speak and reinforce the things I'm learning from Lisa. 

Counseling has been a very good thing.  I think everyone should do it! ;)

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