Tuesday, June 19, 2012


On May 16th, 2012 about 2:30 p.m., I found out that we were parents.  Like, actual parents...to an actual human being.  It's not just my fur-babies anymore.   There's this amazing new life being woven together inside of me...God is seriously so cool.
I still have worries and fears and doubts.  But, I also have this sense of awe and wonder.  Every time I start to feel overwhelmed or start to freak out...God quietly whispers...look at what I've done...really look at it...now doesn't that deserve some reverence and worship?  Of course it does! And how can I be bothered with worry or fear when I am praising the One who creates?
I already love this baby so much.  Ridiculously and unashamedly.  So much so that I already find it hard to remember that he or she does not belong to me.  Baby B may be ours to love and protect and teach...but Baby B belongs to the Lord.  Always to the Lord.
May you always gently remind me that You are the One with the plan.  May I never lose sight of You and Your faithfulness.  May I continue to look to You and to remember that to trust and obey You, is more valuable than any other thing on this earth.


  1. SO thrilled about your baby! You are right...you all ARE parents already, just waiting to see that sweet face you already love. God bless you all as you wait...LOVE YOU! (((HUGS)))
