Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 6

Hmmm...who would I trade places with for an entire day?  I don't know!! I am so about being true to myself in every way that this is hard to imagine for me.  I know plenty of people I'd love to meet or hang out with for a day, but trading places?  That's tough.  I guess if I were it would purely to just be one of the funnest and funniest people I choose either one of the Lokey girls.  They are pretty much the coolest, so I wouldn't mind harnessing some of that cool factor/energy/comedic timing/creativity for a day.
I mean...they're obsessed with Star Wars...who wouldn't want to be Yoda or Leia, haha!
I'd love to be a Lokey girl for a day...or a Star Wars character...same, same. ;)

Day 5

Day 5 is a picture of my favorite memory.  Honestly, I don't know that I have an all-time favorite memory.  I have a lot of them.  So instead of picking one, I decided to show you who the mostly likely culprits of creating great memories with would be.  Enjoy.

Lots of great memories get made with this guy.

I love every moment I get with these two kiddos.  I hope to get plenty of memories with baby brother too!

Aw, I love this girl and there's always a good time to be had.  Miss Lindsey is repping all my girls from FBC here.  There are just too many of them to put pics up, plus this one was in London.  London is most def one of my favorite memories and the fact that I got to serve there at the same time Linds did was so cool.

Oh, Nikki Lokey and Phoebe Kate.  You ladies make my heart smile.  They are def at the center of some crazy amazing times.  I'm also letting them rep for my I.D. Ministries buddies here too.  I laugh more and smile more with I.D. Ladies than anyone else.

Karon!! This amazing woman continues to light up my life by stepping up and being there for me constantly.  When I need someone, I know she's there.  Thank you, Lord, for my "Jesus Mama".

The BFFs.  April (on right) and Angela (on left).  SO MANY MEMORIES!!! LOL.  I love every one them too! (Execept for maybe that time Angela removed my freckle when we were playing "doctor" in second grade.  That was traumatic.   It was also the only time I ever played "doctor". )

So there you have it.  Some of my favorite people to make memories with.  Not quite what the Day required, but that's what it got. :)

Day 4

I'm a little behind on my postings but I will catch may have several in a row today! Day four's post was about my night.  Day 4 would have been Friday night and I spent it with hundreds of teenagers worshipping God.  It was a pretty sweet night.
Day 4: Unite Now Worship

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3

Today's 60 day post is about the cast of my favorite T.V. show.  (See, I told you some would be silly! ;) )

Day 3: The cast from my favorite show.
Ok.  I admit it, I'm a HUGE Syfy nerd! One of my favorite shows of all time is Stargate: SG-1.  I'm huge fan of all of the Stargate shows, but SG-1 holds a special place because it was the first.  I chose to depict the 4 main members of the cast, but all of the supporting cast are equally wonderful in so many ways.  I absolutely love the show, but I love even more what a family this cast became because of the show.  If you look at each of their projects, the other members of the SG cast are supportive in one way or another, from making guest appearance to collaborative efforts, to plugging shamelessly for their friends. 
Amanda Tapping played Dr./Major (Her rank increased the longer the show ran, but she started out as Major, I think.) Samantha Carter.  What an amazingly talented and lovely person!  I've follwed her career over to her new show, Sanctuary, where she plays the main character, Dr. Helen Magnus.  Another great show, but that wasn't my point.  I began to pay attention to her personally and as a result the other cast memebers from SG-1.  Amanda along with her Sanctuary cast is soooo involved with so many charities and very active in bringing awareness to some incredibly worthy causes.  I dare you to check out their charity Sanctuary4Kids.  So cool.
Anyway, the more I learned about who the people were who portrayed some of my favorite fictional people, the more it made me love that show where it all began, Stargate SG-1.  It also made me especially love Amanda Tapping.  She seems to be the glue that holds their little family together.  I can see why.  She is so sweet and approachable in her interviews...but check this out: She actually interacts with her fans!! Who does that anymore? I can count a handful of celebs who actually take the time to do that.
So there you go.  I'm a nerd.  I like it. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2

Today is all about the person I've been closest to the longest.
Angela & me
Angela and I have been best friends since first grade.  That's 21 years folks.  21.  Just to give you some perspective on that:  I'll be 27 in March.  We've pretty much been through it all together and then some.  She's my biggest fan and my hero.  There is no one more compassionate or gentle.  She's also funny, genuine, and ornery.  We are so much alike sometimes that it's ridiculous but we are also complete opposites at the same time.  She gives the best hugs and advice.  We never run out of things to say to each other and we can make each other laugh so hard that Angela snorts ;).  I love her like family and can't imagine ever not having her in my life.  Love you, Angela!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 1

For the next 60 days I'm going to let you take a journey with me. Some days will be silly.  Some days will be a little serious.  Every day will be something new.  Today's journey is all about me.

Day 1: 15 facts about me.

1. I love to read. I'm rarely not in the middle of at least 3 books.
2. I love Jesus more than reading...or anything else.
3. I never realized how much I served Jesus and loved it until I counted the number of ministries I have an active part in and the numerous jobs I hold for each of them. It was eye opening. I kinda thought I didn't do that much for Him. Turns out I do and Satan is a big fat liar.
4. Writing is completely therapeutic and mostly spiritual for me.
5. I never smile more than when I'm spending time with I.D. Ministries ladies. (Especially Emily Arnold and Allison Lilly. True story.)
6. I'm stubborn.
7. I'm rarely wrong but always willing to admit when I am (once the stubborn wears off ;) ).
8. I see and speak Truth, but miss it when it comes to myself sometimes.
9. I'm blessed with some of the most amazing friendships a woman could have. (Angela, April, Nikki, Phoebe, Karon, life is better because of you.)
10. London changed my life and it will never leave my heart.
11. I love my cat more than I love most people.
12. I want to be a mommy someday, but I really love being an "aunty" so it's a hard sell right now.
13. People would be surprised at my music choices if they looked at some of my playlists.
14. I have a tendency to say things without filtering.
15. I'm married to my best friend.
I'm learning to love and appreciate all 15 of those facts about me and when it comes down to it....there's 15 things to help get me through the day :).